Breast augmentation
Breasts are very important for every woman. They care about the size and shape of their chest. Good shape and size give women confidence. By having breast augmentation done in Turkey, Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel gives you the chance to get the breast you desire.
Who are the best candidates for breast augmentation surgery?
Healthy women who are over the age of 18, have completed breast development, and have a small amount of breast tissue are the best candidates. At the same time, women without sagging breasts or women with the least sagging breasts are good candidates.

Breast enlargement at a glance
Procedure:Breast Augmentation/Augmentation/Implant
Duration:2 to 3 hours
Stay:4 nights hotel, 1 night hospital stay
Anesthesia:General anesthesia
Recovery:7 to 9 days.
side effect:Temporary swelling, bruising, pain, discomfort, nipple tenderness, numbness
Complications:Scars, Bleeding, Seroma, Infection, Extrusion, Swelling, Bruising and Pain, Asymmetry, Increased or Decreased Sensation
Scars:Minimal (depending on the type of incision)
Pain:Light (depending on the patient)
Results:Immediate (final results after 4 to 6 months and may change due to pregnancy, gravity, weight or age)
Combined operations:Breast lift, liposuction, nose surgery, botox and fillers
Which breast implant is ideal for you?
The most important criterion here is the height of the woman. Small base diameter prostheses are preferred in women who are shorter and have a narrow ribcage. Prostheses with a wide base diameter are preferred in people with a larger ribcage. The main point here is the chest base. The breast base is the area where the prosthesis is placed. The size of the base depends on the patient's body structure and breast tissue.

I've always been someone obsessed with looks. I've done so many things to stay beautiful. Fearing surgery, I consulted many lousy gels and massages to make my breasts bigger and nothing worked. Finally, I put my fear aside and decided to have surgery. I have visited many doctors,
Got to know Izmir-MET and Mehtap Peker and have become very good friends in the meantime.
Mehtap Peker led me to the best Surgeon and was the only one who was reliable to me. He spoke the experienced truth. I had a breast augmentation and am now very satisfied. I thank both the team Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel and Dr. Murat Mersin.
Finally proudly wear my bikini without a T-shirt over it.
(Breast Augmentation - Review)

How do you prepare for surgery?
After deciding on breast augmentation surgery, the first and most important step is to determine your surgeon. Remember, you'll be going through the process with your doctor long after surgery. For this reason, you need to find a doctor who can easily ask you all the questions in your head, get the right answers, and most importantly, whom you can trust. As an intermediary you have come to the right place at Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel at Mehtab Peker.
A detailed physical examination is performed after a decision has been made for surgery. The prosthesis and size should be chosen according to the size of the breast. The position of the nipples and the quality of the breast tissue are the wishes of the patient. These decisions can be easily made after the necessary measurements have been made.
After all planning, a suitable operation day is determined. Prior to surgery if the patient is on daily medication, planning is made accordingly. Since the blood-thinning drugs will cause bleeding problems during and after surgery, the patient will stop taking these drugs if the doctor deems it appropriate. After the necessary analyzes and tests have been carried out and the approval of anesthesia has been taken, the operation is performed. The operation takes 2-3 hours and patients stay in the hospital overnight.
Types of breast implants
The forms of breast implants are usually in 2 types
Prostheses are divided into two groups
Prosthetic volumes can vary from 100 cc to 1000 cc. However, prostheses have another feature that we call projection. Dentures with the same base diameter can have different heights
Made of water
Made of silicone
The density of silicone prostheses can vary.
Where are these prostheses placed?
Breast implants can be placed in 3 different places
Submuscular, under the muscle (preferably in patients with small breast tissue)
Subfascial, under the fascia
Subglandular, below the breast tissue
How is the Borst Job performed?
After the patient has fallen asleep, the established incision is made. Whichever method is used (subglandular, subfascial, submuscular), the area is prepared according to the base diameter of the prosthesis. First, a trial prosthesis is placed. Once the desired size and shape has been achieved, the permanent prosthesis is placed after removal of the temporary one.
If necessary, drains are used to prevent blood accumulation. These will be removed a day later. The tissues are then closed using sutures in an appropriate anatomical position.
First, pro-operative drawings and plans are made. Three separate incision areas are defined to prepare the site where the prosthesis will be placed. The operations are performed under general anesthesia.
Recovery period after breast augmentation surgery
Prostheses placed under the muscle in breast augmentation surgery are more painful than other methods. It is a pain caused by placing the prosthesis under the muscle and it is a normal and temporary condition. The pain will decrease and disappear in the first week after surgery. After a breast augmentation, the pain can usually be controlled with painkillers. Not much pain is felt if the patients take painkillers recommended by the doctor for the first 2-3 days.
After breast implant surgery, it is necessary to stay in the hospital overnight because of the anesthesia used in the surgery. After the operation, the patient is dressed in a bra in the form of a corset. It is useful to use this bra for several weeks. After the first dressing change, it is possible to shower with your doctor's permission.
To speed up the healing process, it is better to rest for the first week. Pain, edema, tension, and bruising begin to subside a week after surgery. The patients can move more comfortably and can quickly return to their daily lives. Patients can easily return to work in the office after a week. However, this process may take longer for patients who have a more physically demanding job.

Frequently Asked Questions
I have a posture disorder due to back pain and I also want to have a breast augmentation. Does the silicone used for breast augmentations cause more back pain?
The patients who want to undergo breast augmentation should first be examined by an experienced surgeon. During this research, the necessary measurements are taken. The size and shape of the breast prosthesis to be used is determined. Breast forms used in the correct sizes do not cause back or neck pain. However, abnormal dentures can cause such pain.
Should I get time off from work?
Although it varies from method to method and from patient to patient, you can return to desk work after 3-5 days.
Are silicone breast implants safe?
Silicone gel breast forms, which have been produced since the 2000s, are safe to use and do not require periodic replacement. The most effective, permanent and reliable method of breast tissue enlargement is breast augmentation surgery with silicone breast prostheses.
Will I lose the sensitivity of my nipples after breast augmentation in Turkey?
Implants can be placed from the incisions made on the nipple, under the nipple, and under the armpit. While a decrease in nipple sensitivity is rarely seen with implants made from the nipple, there is no risk with other methods.
Is there a side effect of surgery?
There has never been a long-term side effect.
What are the risks and potential complications of breast implants?
There is a small risk of infection and bleeding immediately after surgery. However, these are manageable conditions.
Are you allergic to breast silicone?
Implants are inert products. An allergic reaction is unlikely.
How often should breast implants be replaced?
Anyone who decides to undergo breast augmentation thinks that the prosthesis must be replaced within 10 years as a result of their research on the Internet. However, with the developing technology, the quality of the prostheses has increased. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to replace the prosthesis. Apart from this, even if there is no problem, the person can change or remove the prosthesis at their request
Is there a non-surgical breast augmentation method?
Some hormonal drugs can affect breast growth during adolescence. After adolescence, surgery is the only method to enlarge the breasts.
How long does it take for breast implants to fall into place?
Prostheses settle in place 6 months to 1 year after surgery.
Why breast enlargement costs in Turkey
The cost of breast augmentation varies between 4500€ and 9000€ in the Americas and Europe. That's just treatment. With the consultation and aftercare, prices can increase by about 500€ – 1000€. Breast enlargement cost in Turkey is about 3000€-4000€. It is an all inclusive package. It includes everything you need, such as the surgery, hospital stays, all tests and check-ups, consultation, accommodation, VIP transfers to and from the airport. The cost difference is due to labor costs and operational costs. There is also a currency difference between Turkey and Europe. Thus, aesthetic surgeons perform many breast surgeries in Turkey. They are very experienced and achieve the best breast enlargement results.
Why choose Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel for the best breast job in Turkey?
Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel works with highly experienced aesthetic surgeons. They have over 20 years of experience in their field and are members of ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgery) and TAPS (Turkish Society of Plastic Surgery). Our surgeons have performed over 1000 breast augmentations. The surgery is performed in JCI accredited hospitals. We arrange a nice 5-star hotel close to your hospital or your choice from our 5-STARS packages. Our medical team member will welcome you at the airport and take you to the hotel with a VIP transfer. We guide you through every step of your breast job in Turkey. Patient satisfaction is the most important value for Izmir Medical Esthetic
We offer you:
Most modern technology.
Desired breasts.
Best prices.
Amazing, natural-looking results.
Aftercare support after breast augmentation.
Perfect guidance and support every day of your stay 24 hours, you are not alone for a minute.
Is there any warranty?
Turkey is one of the top destinations for medical tourism among patients. 700,000 patients visit Turkey every year. Cosmetic surgeries are performed with experienced surgeons. Patient satisfaction is very important to us and is closely monitored. We will contact you after returning home. We will follow you through your full recovery. Although it happens very rarely, every surgery has its own risks and complications. If you need corrective surgery, it's free.
If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact me, greetings Mehtab.