Hollywood Smile Treatment
A perfecttoo white smile is the business card of your appearance, everyone can make that dream come true at Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel.
Sparkling white teeth belong to Hollywood stars, just like luxury houses and the latest cars. But often it's not just the bleaching. Many people usen widely much more invasive methods to get a perfect smile. If you look at their photos from the red carpet, you will see that all celebrities have one thing in common: a bright white smile and perfectly straight teeth. Perfect teeth belong to actors. But if you think that whitening is the only practice, that is often not the case. There are many ways to get a beautiful smile. One of the most common is bleaching. But sometimes whitening isn't enough to achieve great results, so more radical tooth changes come into play. All of these procedures are known as Hollywood Smile.
Hollywood Smile in Izmir Turkey is a preferential treatment for a perfect smile. This procedure is a treatment that provides an even, bright and white smile like Hollywood celebrities. Unfortunately, if it is necessary to examine the structure of the teeth, it would be correct to say that they have systems that may be damaged. Therefore, the Hollywood Smile treatment can treat damaged and bad looking teeth.
Dreaming of that coveted Hollywood Smile? Then you are not alone. Many people dream of displaying a few chalk white pearls to the outside world when they smile. Few people are naturally blessed with snow-white teeth. That's why the Hollywood Smile is something you have to make an active effort to achieve. It's also entirely possible to have a red-carpet-worthy smile. For example, many choose teeth whitening to make their teeth a few shades lighter. But because the effect of teeth whitening diminishes over time, not everyone can achieve the desired result after the treatment. Last but not least, teeth whitening can cause temporary pain and other side effects.
On the other hand, a crown is a treatment method that produces beautiful and bright teeth and provides long-lasting results. The treatment is widely practiced, as known from the Hollywood Smile of film and television stars. The treatment is permanent; so it is not a procedure that needs to be repeated after 2-3 years, as with teeth whitening.
The Hollywood Smile in Turkey is a complete change of your smile, namely the complete restructuring of jaw prostheses using crowns, veneers and dental implants. The Hollywood Smile also includes the aesthetic placement of dental crowns on all teeth. This means that the premolars are in between. The term is used to refer to the bleached teeth of Hollywood celebrities.
The importance of a smile is paramount to reflect your personality and emphasize your charisma. Contrary to many of the trends society imposes on us, having a complete set of teeth affects our lives. Teeth are indicators of our general physical and mental health and their functions. Due to the importance of our teeth in our social lives, the popularity of aesthetic dentistry and the Hollywood Smile has exploded in recent years.
The dazzling effect of the Hollywood Smile on the red carpet has become one of the hallmarks of Hollywood. Celebrities from all walks of life dominate the screen and stage with their beautiful pearly whites and dazzling smiles. The lens through which the media focused on the Hollywood Smile showed great interest in the effect of the teeth.
Hollywood Smile is a total makeover of your smile, ie a complete reconstruction of both jaws using caps, veneers and, very often, implants.
At Hollywood Smile, crowns are placed on all teeth, or at least on all visible teeth in both jaws, up to and including the premolars.
The bleach color comes in four shades on the scale of 1-4, with 1 being the brightest, and 4 being the least bright, but still completely white.
In most everyday situations it is quite difficult to distinguish between the four shadesiden, and they are only visible in very bright light or when someone smiles very broadly.
On the other hand, patients who want to preserve the natural yellowish shade of the teeth can choose the standard shades A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3.

Who are the ideal candidates for the Hollywood Smile?
The Hollywood Smile process involves the treatment of all of the patient's teeth. For this reason, patients may require grinding or root canal treatment in their teeth. In this case, of course, the patients must be over 18 years old. Anyone with fully developed teeth is an ideal candidate for the Hollywood Smile in Izmir-MET Turkey. In addition, the fact that the patients do not have serious health problems is necessary for the treatment of the Hollywood Smile. For this reason, it is also essential for patients to undergo dental treatment.
With polishing and removal of discolorations, regular dental cleaning can be done for everyone, regardless of age. Smoking in particular causes discoloration. But tea and coffee can also cast dark shadows and make your smile look more yellow. For example, a dental implant could be the solution if you have a missing tooth. This treatment requires total growth of the chin.
Basically, anyone can get a Hollywood Smile in Turkey. Getting your perfect new smile is a one-step process. Therefore, chances are that it applies to you too. Regardless of the condition or structure of your teeth and whether you have dental problems, we assure you that the best Hollywood Smile procedure in Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel Turkey is right for you. We will also help you by changing your teeth for the best. Significantly boost your self-confidence with a unique smile in the new aesthetic white. Since a Hollywood Smile in Izmir-MET Turkey costs little, it creates opportunities for many more people to receive dental services.
If you have broken teeth, deteriorated teeth, stains or malformed teeth, we can solve these problems with Hollywood smile in Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel
Hollywood Smile Consultation
Hollywood Smile consultation Ms. Mehab guides you through an organizational phase for the patient and the dentist. Dental treatment is normally a lengthy procedure, where it is sometimes impossible to solve all existing dental problems in one visit to the dentist. In this context, our dentist draws up a comprehensive treatment plan during the Hollywood Smile consultation. Our specialist agrees a global schedule with the patient for all procedures. During the consultation, the patient receives all information about how the treatment will proceed. Planning the treatment procedures together with the doctor will allow you to accurately calculate all financial costs.
You can save a tooth at an early stage of caries when there is no unpleasant feeling yet. The disease is diagnosed using spot X-rays or during the Hollywood Smile consultation. That is why it is better to consult our dentist if you do not suffer from anything else. In this case, you will not only keep your teeth intact, but also save your nerves and money.
Of course Mehtab will note your complaints and needs during the first intake conversations. You exchange photos with each other and Mehtab will do the first interview with the dentist in Turkey. You can also get involved with a Video Call Meeting. In this way, a starting price can be agreed with the dentist before you make any booking.

What Are the Risks of the Hollywood Smile?
As with any procedure, there are risks associated with the Hollywood Smile. These risks depend on the method you choose for Hollywood Smile. This treatment method is not painful. However, there are a few things you should know. Some will experience tenderness or tingling during treatment. This disappears within a day and is not dangerous.
During the procedure, the teeth become more prone to discoloration. Therefore, you should be careful not to consume foods and drinks with a high dye content. However, your teeth can become even more sensitive as wear and tear occurs on the teeth.
Also, regardless of the benefits of the Hollywood Smile, there are times when it is contraindicated, or when it is necessary to delay the process for some time. These are the following issues:
Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity
Severe dental caries, large external fillings
Teeth grinding that destroys tooth enamel
Do dangerous sports
Presence of bad habits: nail biting, opening bottles with the teeth
Severe abnormalities and malocclusion
Absence of teeth: structures can only be attached to their teeth
Very dark spots on the glaze: The plates are thin, so that when the light is reflected, spots of the coatings can be seen.
How do you prepare for the Hollywood Smile procedure?
Our experts work with each patient individually to create a Hollywood Smile. Our dentists take into account age, gender, social status, type of smile (open or closed), and whether teeth need to be adjusted. In addition, specialists look at the soft tissues of your face to see if treatment is needed. For some, doctors recommend making the teeth a little bigger, because research has shown that someone with such teeth comes across as stricter and more confident.
After all procedures are completed, the dentist uses a unique color scale to determine what color tooth the patient wants to see.
The Hollywood Smile design includes many different individual or combined processes for changing tooth tissue. A holistic approach is essential when planning such procedures. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult dentists from different fields and make a joint decision to treat more than one dentist to maintain tissue health and ensure long-term treatment results. As tooth structure, health status, functional habits and needs, facial profile and aesthetic expectations of patients may change, it should be borne in mind that suggested treatment options and outcomes may vary for each individual.
To achieve more sustainable treatment results, the continuity of dental health is paramount when choosing the treatment option. For example, teeth whitening and gum rejuvenation for patients with healthy teeth are sometimes enough to create the perfect smile design and maintain healthy tissue without loss of tooth tissue.
Our dentist assesses various parameters in detail when planning the appropriate treatment for the patient. The functional habits of the patient, the degree of stress to which the teeth are exposed and the desired color of the teeth are of great importance in determining the materials to be used. During the design process, parameters such as the expected changes in the aesthetic plan and the characteristic features of the profile are taken into account.
In order to complete the Hollywood Smile treatment in a shorter time than the patient's expectations, the patient must convey all requests regarding the design features to the dentist during the development of the treatment. As long as the design does not interfere with creating a healthy oral environment, it can include aesthetic changes that meet patient expectations.
If there are specific problems and diseases in the mouth, it is necessary to begin treatment by eliminating them. Existing diseases of the mouth and teeth are factors that can significantly shorten the life of an aesthetic smile design and threaten the health of teeth and gums.
What Methods Are There for a Hollywood Smile?
In people with ideally placed and healthy teeth, the size of the teeth, the shape, the color of the tooth, the asymmetry of the gums or the appearance can cause aesthetic problems. If the problem is just the color tone and needs to be lightened a few shades, the dentist can do the treatment with just teeth whitening. If the patient wants to change the color of their teeth significantly or change the shape or size of the teeth, veneers or veneers treatment may be the treatment of choice, depending on the extent of the change and the condition of the adjacent teeth.
If the level and condition of the gums are not ideal, it is possible to apply aesthetic gums, including removal and correction of the gums. The expert can apply these treatments separately, or plan combined treatments when necessary.
The preferred treatment for patients whose dental tissue has been damaged or lost for various reasons differs according to the existing dental problems. For caries or cracks in the teeth, the application of fillings or other veneers may be the treatment of choice to restore the aesthetic appearance, depending on tissue loss, tooth durability required, and aesthetic expectations. Veneers may be necessary for excessive tooth wear. Treatment for problems such as gum enlargement or receding gums involves removing or straightening the gums. The doctor may include dental implants or bridges without teeth in the treatment plan.
Suppose the problem of tooth enlargement causes aesthetic discomfort; the appropriate method of treatment is selected based on the degree of crowding of the teeth. Teeth bonding or lamination is often used when the patient wants to move their teeth with minimal crowding. This ensures significant maintenance of healthy tooth tissue. In summary, there are several ways to get a Hollywood Smile; we will list them below:
Teeth Whitening: One of the most critical principles to having a beautiful Hollywood Smile is having white teeth while smiling.
Dental Implant: Losing a tooth for any reason significantly reduces one's self-confidence and makes the smile unpleasant. Fortunately, nowadays anyone can replace their lost tooth and get a beautiful smile thanks to the advancement of dentistry. Dental implants perform the Hollywood Smile.
Dental crown and bridges: You can also achieve a Hollywood Smile by placing a crown or bridge. This method is mainly used for natural teeth of medium complexity. This means that at least half of the patient's teeth are healthy, and the other half have healthy roots and enough volume to accommodate crowns. A bridge can be placed if one or two teeth are missing without significant complications, but you must have an implant if more teeth are missing.
Smile correction: The appearance of a lot of gums when smiling disrupts the aesthetics. For this we recommend gingival aesthetics.
What are Dental Bridge?
Dental bridges are the prosthetic replacement of one or more missing teeth. This includes dental replacements such as dentures or dental implants.
The name comes from its practical placement in the oral cavity, connecting one tooth to the other like a bridge. It usually solves the aesthetic and functional problems that arise after tooth loss. It is often mistakenly referred to as dentures by laymen. The main difference between a prosthesis and a dental bridge is that the bridge is fixed, durable and non-removable.
What are Dental Implant?
Dental implants are a very effective and relatively simple surgical procedure. The dentist carefully places the dental implant in the jawbone. This is done in the dental chair under local anesthesia, which guarantees a completely painless process. The dental implant procedure takes about 30-45 minutes.
You can return to your social activities, usually after the dental implant procedure. With postoperative problems, especially with minor procedures, the pain is mild. Healing takes 3-6 months once a firm connection is formed between the bone and the implant. This process is called osseointegration. The recovery time depends on the quality of the bone. The dental implant is closed with a metal cap that extends slightly beyond the edge of the gums. After 3-6 months, a dental prosthesis is made. After the implant has healed perfectly, the dentist builds a crown, bridge or prosthesis with conventional plug-in connections. For this you have to come to Izmir 2x.
The primary condition is excellent, and they have permanent oral hygiene. To prevent inflammation of the gums, you should clean your teeth and implants very well with a toothbrush, interdental brush or dental floss, according to the instructions of the doctor and dental hygienist. Otherwise the dental implant may fall out. To minimize the risk of failure, you will be invited for regular checkups while the implant is in your mouth. Other essential conditions include inadequate bone quality at the intended implant site and general serious illnesses such as diabetes, blood clotting disorders, radiation-treated cancer and available corticoids.
What are dental crowns?
Dental crowns are a cosmetic and compensatory technique to compensate for damage to some damaged teeth due to breakage, loss of parts of the tooth, or injury from caries. Dentists choose to restore and preserve the natural function of teeth and choose what remains unaffected. Dental crowns closely mimic the appearance, efficiency and proportion of natural teeth.
Hollywood Smile procedure
To undergo the Hollywood Smile procedure in Turkey, you must follow the steps below:
First, our surgeon will examine your teeth, check the condition of your teeth while your mouth is closed, and see if they need a Hollywood Smile. It would be best if you tell our dentist about your gum problems and any cavities during the first session. If you have a terrible habit of grinding your teeth, you should use other methods to whiten your teeth.
In the next step, our specialist will examine the condition of your mouth to determine whether you meet the requirements for a Hollywood Smile. With the test smile you can choose the most suitable type of smile for you and see the result. The smile line has different models, such as youth, nature and Hollywood. You choose our dentist for your smile line.
Our specialist will choose the procedure you need for a Hollywood Smile. In this process, the dentist will take measurements and make tests. All designs are painless and extremely simple. You will get an aesthetic smile in a short time. You will be put under local anesthesia during the procedure.
After your procedures are complete, our dentist will give you care instructions. Accordingly, you should take care of your teeth and protect your aesthetic smile.
Recovery after Hollywood Smile
As with any procedure, you should pay attention to a few elements after the Hollywood Smile:
You must refuse food for the first three hours, regardless of the Hollywood Smile procedure. You can eat after the Hollywood Smile procedure. To do this, choose soft and warm foods.
In the following hours, exclude hot and cold foods and spicy, acidic foods from the diet.
If you have stitches in your mouth, chew food on the side without stitches.
It would be best if you varied your diet. Make sure the food you consume contains all essential nutrients, especially calcium.
Do not drink alcohol and do not smoke.
We also advise against drinking coffee and black tea. It is better to opt for herbal tea or dried fruit compote.
Do not eat solid food after the Hollywood Smile.
Drinking as much water as possible (up to 1.5-2 liters) is essential after the Hollywood Smile.
You can buy soft cottage cheese, different types of yogurt and baby food in jars. If you have had an implant, eat only liquid and pureed foods for a while.
For the first 3-4 days, limit yourself to mouthwashes (keep the saline solution/water in the mouth); then you can rinse gently.
After 3-5 days, that is, after the inflammatory process and edema have subsided, you need to start using a toothbrush. The recommended stiffness of the bristles should be soft or ultra-soft so as not to damage the gums and the area of the applied sutures.
Apply the toothpaste at the same time as the brush. These pastes provide effective prevention of gingivitis.
Don't forget about cold compresses to reduce the chance of swelling. The compression time is 5-10 minutes; the intervals are 3-5 minutes. The compresses begin immediately after returning home after the Hollywood Smile and can be repeated periodically throughout the first day.
Your doctor will prescribe painkillers for you. Check your condition; if necessary, you can take painkillers at night or after you no longer feel the effect of the anaesthetic.
The care list for each patient is individual and indicated in the doctor's recommendations. In general, however, the doctor may prescribe ointments for the suture area, antibiotics, antihistamines to reduce tissue swelling, and medicines that contain many vitamins.
Avoid physical exertion, do not lift weights.
Avoid hypothermia and overheating. We recommend that you do not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools and swimming in the sea for a month.
If you have had an upper jaw implant, including a sinus lift procedure (maxillary sinus replacement), you should not cough hard, sneeze and use your nose very carefully.
Even if you have had an implant, you should not floss for a while. After implantation, the gums become less sensitive, and you may not be able to stop flossing. This can damage the tissue, allowing bacteria to enter the area around the inserted implants.
Stay away from complicated objects. Biting hard things with your teeth, chewing pens, or cracking open nuts can damage your teeth. Of course, dentists can fix this, but it is better not to allow such situations to arise.
Hollywood Smile results
The results of Hollywood Smile in Turkey are immediate and natural. You can already show it off on the sunny beaches and terraces in the evening after the treatment. You will notice a drastic transformation in several aspects of your smile, from the alignment of your teeth to their pearlescent shine and perfect size.
If you take good care of your Hollywood Smile, the results can last for many years. However, the most critical condition is regular maintenance and hygiene.
Izmir is the most preferred city in Turkey for both, holidays and dental treatments by many patients. For this reason, patients may of course prefer: Izmir to get highly successful treatments at very affordable prices. If you are planning to have a Hollywood smile in Turkey, you can choose Izmir.
Doctors and nurses employed in Izmir dental centers are used to treating foreign patients. In fact, Izmir dental centers often do not work with Turkish patients.
Contact Mehtab for non-binding information, even if it is about exchanging your ideas and getting acquainted.
Regards Mehtab,