What is a Crown?
A crown is a durable replacement for teeth. Crowns approach the original shape and function of your tooth as closely as possible. The crown is fitted exactly to a ground tooth using advanced adhesive. When the crown is attached, it can only be distinguished from a real tooth by professionals. Thanks to current technology, crowns are translucent and can be offered in the most detailed color gradations.
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Porseleinen kronen zijn robuust en duurzaam. Daarnaast zijn porseleinen kronen goedkoper dan zirkonium en procera kronen. Hierdoor worden deze kronen veel gebruikt. Hoewel porseleinen kronen zeer sterk zijn geven ze esthetisch een minder resultaat dan zirkonium- en procera kronen, laat je gerust helpen bij ons voor de juiste beslissing.

What is Zirconium?
Zirconium is a material made from porcelain and ceramic. It has a durable structure with a glossy appearance.
Zirconium contains no metal and is therefore safe for people with metal allergies. It is a white material. In the dental treatment, this material is used to crown the outer surface of the teeth.
Although it can be used on both the front and back teeth, it forms one whole when used on the back of the teeth. The material has the following characteristics:
It's translucent. It even lets some light through and is the most suitable application for natural teeth.
It has a high resistance to oxidation.
It is resistant to cracking and breaking.
It has a solid structure.
It has a natural look.
Zirconium crowns are preferred by patients who want white teeth.
What are the benefits of zirconium?
Zirconium is one of the most preferred treatment methods among patients. The advantages are:
It has a structure that is easy to shape.
In case of discoloration, it is easy to return to white.
It has a natural appearance. Therefore, it is indistinguishable from natural teeth.
Contains no metal.
It is very durable and can sit securely for years.
It is resistant to cold and hot foods or drinks and shows no sensitivity.
The application of zirconium crowns is determined by the dentist. When the patient has too many missing teeth or adjacent missing teeth, zirconium is not useful.
Crown treatment
After an extensive (free) preliminary examination, a treatment plan is established. Including preliminary research, placing a crown consists of the following steps:
1. Grinding a tooth or molar
The tooth or molar is ground in such a way that space is created for the tooth-like crown. A cap is placed on the ground tooth or molar that consists of metal and/or porcelain. When the crown is attached, it will lie with the edge at or below the gum level.
2. Make a dental model
After grinding, an accurate impression of your teeth is simply made. A plaster model is made from this impression in the dental laboratory. The crown is then designed on this model. To ensure that the crown fits the rest of your teeth exactly, an impression is also made of your other jaw. This is called the bite registration and is essential for the functioning of your teeth. This involves looking at the relationship between the lower and upper jaw and how they come together.
3. Determine color
The crown can connect to your teeth in a completely natural-looking way. When porcelain is used, the color of the teeth next to the crown is always taken into account. With a color chart, the dentist determines the color of your crown together with you. This is then created in the dental laboratory.
4. Temporary crown
It usually takes one to two weeks for the lab to fabricate the crown. During this period you will receive an emergency crown on the ground tooth.
5. Install crown
When the crown is ready, the temporary crown is removed and the new crown fitted. After this, the crown is fixed with special fixing cement. After a few minutes, the excess cement can be removed and your crown is ready.
Aftercare crowns
In fact, a placed crown has the same function as a normal tooth. Depending on your dental care, you can keep a crown for more than ten years. During the aftercare, extensive attention is paid to the marginal connections and the general condition of your gums. Your dentist and dental hygienist will advise you on the correct treatment of your teeth.