The number of fat cells in the adult human body is constant. After puberty, the number of fat cells does not increase, but the volume of fat cells. This results in weight gain. Eating habits and lifestyle are the main factors in people's weight gain. Liposuction, the method of fat removal, is one of the most requested and requested operations in aesthetic surgery. Liposuction is a surgical method of removing fatty tissue that cannot be lost through diet or exercise.
First of all, liposuction is not a direct weight loss method.
Who needs liposuction surgery?
First of all, a good candidate for liposuction should have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. We must not forget that liposuction surgery is not weight loss, but a regional method of thinning and shaping the body. The person who decides on this operation must know about it. Liposuction is a systemic solution to health problems that can be applied to anyone who is not pregnant or has given birth. Before the procedure, the risk factors should be thoroughly investigated and the patient should not be at risk from the procedure.

Liposuction at a glance
Procedure: Liposuction
Duration: 2-4 hours
Stay: 2-3 days hospital 4-5 days hotel
Anesthesia: General
Recovery: 7 days Scar: 1 mm holes
Results: end result 3 months or 6 years
Before surgery:
First, the patient and doctor should come together and explain the expectations.
As the doctor informs the patient, the patient must also inform the doctor about the medicines that the patient is taking.
Smokers may have some side effects during surgery. Smokers should therefore stop smoking before surgery.
Finally, the necessary tests are performed and evaluated before surgery.

I underwent a combined liposuction and abdominoplasty two weeks ago, which was successfully performed. Now, after two weeks of my surgery, I can easily resume my daily life. I have a great result and it really exceeds my expectations. Thanks doctor, thanks great equipment
(Liposuction - Review)
How is it done?
Liposuction is applied by removing the excess fatty tissue under the skin using a thin metal cannula and removing it from small holes. For this process, incisions of 3-5 mm are made at the appropriate points on the skin. The amount of fat to be extracted from the region and the correct cannula to be selected.
The cannulas used for this procedure are 2-5 mm in diameter and 10-45 cm in length. Prior to the process, a specially prepared liquid is given to the area to be ingested. The purpose of this fluid is to loosen the connective tissue between the fats in that area and make the procedure easier. Classic liposuction cannulas are used in these methods and are called a classic method.
In addition to this method, another method is used. Vaser liposuction, this method has two purposes. The first is to break down the connective tissues between the fatty tissues and facilitate the process. But the second main reason is that during the liposuction process, the collagen under the adipose tissue is heated to some extent.
In which regions can liposuction be applied?
Back-inner parts of arms, hips, thighs, sides of abdomen and waist, inner and outer areas of knee and inner and outer parts of ankle, gland area.
More fat deposits are seen in the abdominal area, abdomen, side of the waist and other areas in the chest area. Occasionally, there may be fat deposits in the regions that require liposuction.
Recovery after Liposuction
Remember that having this application does not mean that you will not gain weight. In order not to gain weight again, it is very important to pay attention to lifestyle, diet and exercise after the operation. If there is frequent weight gain, it will not be possible to achieve success.
If sagging skin is present in addition to local fat surpluses, existing sagging cannot recover. Abdominal wall prolapse in women having childbirth cannot be removed by liposuction. In addition, this application does not provide the ability to get rid of cellulite.

After the operation
After surgery, the corset should be used during the recovery time recommended by the doctor. These corsets prevent bleeding in the liposuction area thanks to the elastic compression they provide. They also prevent accumulation of blood, hematomas and seroma.
It is inevitable that there will be some edema and bruising in and around the liposuction. They decrease significantly within 6-8 weeks. After the operation, the procedure of the treated area takes about 8 weeks and the traces of the operation are corrected for up to 6 months.
Patients who have undergone liposuction surgery usually have a standing period of 4-6 hours. When they are in a stable condition, they can stand and walk around the clinic. After the operation, the patient can immediately return to social life. It is enough to stay in the hospital for one night after the operation.

Frequently Asked Questions
How much does liposuction cost in Turkey?
Liposuction in Turkey is a popular procedure used by both men and women who are struggling to lose the last few stubborn pockets of fat. The cost of liposuction in Turkey is attractive compared to European prices.
Is liposuction safe?
The procedure carries the same risks as any other surgery. However, all precautions and planning are made before surgery and patients need not worry about the risks.
Liposuction versus abdominoplasty
Liposuction can only remove a certain amount of fatty tissue. However, with a tummy tuck, more fat tissue can be removed, along with skin that is too sagging.
Is there any limitation to contour or shape the body parts?
As technology develops, wishes can be better fulfilled. There is almost no restriction for surgeons to shape and contour. All fat areas of the body, such as abdomen, back, arms, legs, jaw, buffalo humps can be formed easily.
What are the options that make up the parts of the body?
There are multiple surgical procedures, one of which is liposuction, also known as fat removal. Fat removal is a surgical procedure that allows the person to achieve his/her dreamed body by getting rid of the excess fat. Fat removal is generally performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. General anesthetics are more preferred by surgeons because general anesthetics are more comfortable for the patients for the lengthy recovery process. Not only general anesthetics provide a comfortable surgical procedure for the patient, but also for the surgeons.
Why is compression clothing necessary?
Compression garments allow the patient to maintain the shaped body after the surgical procedure. Also, the compression garment supports every part of the body and the circulatory system. The patients feel more comfortable wearing the compression garment. In addition, the garment gives the patient a sense of security.
What should patients do before the surgical procedure of fat removal?
The patients should have enough information about the surgical procedure, such as general anesthetics, the long-term recovery process, treatment plan, possibility of local anesthetics. The patient needs consultation with the surgeon to determine the treatment plan. The treatment plan should contain all the answers to the whole process. Here are some guiding questions for the patients to get enough information about the surgical procedure and long term recovery process.
Which body parts does the patient need liposuction?
To determine the parts of the body that contain excess fat, the patient should have a consultation with the surgeon and consult the surgeon's professional advice. After a physical examination, the treatment plan will also be demonstrated individually.
All parts of the body can contain excess fat. Despite regularexercise and a healthy diet, people sometimes fail to get rid of the excess fat around the specific parts of the body. On the one hand, accumulated fat can be on a small part of the body, such as the cheek, buffalo humps or breasts for men. On the other hand, this stubborn fat can accumulate around larger areas of the body, such as the abdomen, legs, arms or hips.
How long does the patient wear the compression stocking?
The compression garment should be worn as much as possible. Although the garment is considered uncomfortable before the surgical procedure, by the time it becomes a supportive item for the patients, the compression garment. The compression garment is not only a support item for shaped parts of the body, but also an emotional support item.
Why should the patient follow a healthy diet after surgery?
After the surgical procedure of fat removal, a healthy diet is key. A healthy diet with plenty of water is always crucial, but it becomes a must after the surgical procedure. The patients have edema, the medical term for swelling, after the surgical procedure. To get rid of the edema, the patient must follow a high-fiber and balanced diet. The more the patients follow a diet with vegetables, proteins, fruits, vitamins and minerals, the shorter the recovery process.
How do healthy diet and exercise influence the long recovery process?
The next day of surgery, patients should try to get up and walk slowly. Slow walking should not discourage the patient, it is quite normal to have a little difficulty walking. It is part of the healing process. The more the patient tries to stay active, the easier it is to resume daily life. By staying active and doing regular exercises, not only can the patient easily return to daily life, but the edema can also be eliminated. The edema hides the real result after the surgical procedure. The real result becomes clear day by day, by getting rid of the edema.
Why choose Izmir Medical Esthetic Medical Travel for the best liposuction treatments in Turkey?
Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel works with highly experienced aesthetic surgeons. They have over 20 years of experience in their field and are members of ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgery) and TAPS (Turkish Society of Plastic Surgery). Our surgeons have performed over 1500 liposuction treatments. The treatments are performed in JCI accredited hospitals. We arrange a nice 5-star hotel close to your hospital. Or you can also choose from our 5 STARS packages stay. Our medical team member will welcome you at the airport and take you to the hotel with a VIP transfer. We guide you through every step of your treatment in Turkey.
Patient satisfaction is the most important value for Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel.
We offer you:
Most modern technology.
Nice looking body
Best prices.
Amazing, natural-looking results.
Aftercare support after liposuction.
We don't lose sight of you for a minute.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, we will find the best for you.
Regards Mehtab,