Mama Makeover
Motherhood is the dream of many women and one of the most precious moments of life. However, in addition to all its beauties, there are some issues to deal with after birth. During a healthy pregnancy period, it is quite normal for women to gain weight. However, due to the weight gain during pregnancy, the abdominal skin is stretched and sagging may occur on the breasts. These defaults may not automatically return to their original shape after birth. Especially if the mother has had several births, the condition of the malformations becomes more serious. As a result of having multiple miscarriages during pregnancy, the term "Mommy Makeover Turkey" was born, where multiple surgeries are performed on the same surgery. In which combined operations are performed.
Combination package Mama Make-Over
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What operations are performed on a MOMMY MAKEOVER?
Mommy Makeover Turkey is the term of combined procedures where operations such as abdominoplasty, liposuction, breast reduction, lift and breast augmentation are performed in the same operation. These surgeries can be combined in different ways depending on the person's needs. However;
tense leg,
fat injection,
Arm tightening
Are some of the procedures that can be performed in addition to the operations under "Mama makeover"
A Quick Look at "Mommy Makeover"
Duration : 4 to 6 hours
Accommodation : 3 nights in hospital + 4 nights in hotel.
Anesthesia: General anesthesia
Recovery: 7 to 10 days.
Side effect: temporary, bruising, pain, discomfort
Complications: delay in healing, bleeding, infection, swelling, bruising and pain
Scars: Reparative scar lines are experienced on the areas such as abdomen, chest, leg depending on the procedure the patient has undergone.
Pain : The first 2 days the pain is more regular.
After 2 days it is better tolerated (depending on the patient) Results:(permanent result within 6 months to 1 year)
Mommy Makeover is a combined aesthetic surgery that not only repairs the deformities caused by pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight gain and weight loss, but also restores and improves the patient's physiology. Physical benefits of the surgeries included in Mommy Makeover are:
A tight and smooth abdomen: The most famous operation of Mommy Makeover is the tummy tuck. During a tummy tuck, loose muscles are tightened, excess fat and excess skin are removed. The abdomen becomes smooth and tight, which increases self-confidence.
Raised and plump breasts: After the breastfeeding period is over, the breasts may have sagged. Breast reconstruction surgery makes the women feel more confident as the breasts are the symbols of femininity. Under Mommy Makeover, breast reduction, breast lift and breast augmentation operations can be performed.
Lighter body and more energy: With liposuction, the patient removes the excess fat that makes the body lighter. The patient feels like walking and exercising more, because the body can be moved much more easily. All this makes the patient feel much more energetic and can even help the patient to spend quality time with her child(ren).
Mommy Makeover is a term for multiple surgeries performed at the same time.
Before the Mommy Makeover surgery, the patient must undergo a physical examination at the surgeon. After the examination, the patient should share her expectations about her appearance and desired operations.
With the surgeon's approval, the operation is scheduled. The surgery is performed by focusing on the deformities due to massive weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childbirth.
Abdominoplasty is one of the most important and most performed "Mommy Makeover" procedures. The abdominal skin and abdominal muscles that stretch during pregnancy cannot fully recover to their original shape after birth.
For this reason, during a tummy tuck, the abdominal muscles are firmly restored and excess skin is removed by pulling down to the pubic area.
Liposuction on the waist, back, sides and abdomen is often added to the process. To undergo a tummy tuck, the candidate must wait at least 6 months for the often necessary uterus and abdominal muscles to recover after giving birth.
After the procedure, a tight corset is dressed, this corset should be worn for 3-6 weeks.
Mama makeover for breast aesthetics
During pregnancy, the breasts enlarge and after childbirth the breast shrinks considerably, which can lead to sagging breasts. To prevent sagging, breast lift and reduction surgeries can be performed.
In cases where the breast tissue is not sufficient or the breasts are small, implants can be used to increase the breast size.
To undergo breast reconstruction, the candidate must wait at least 6-12 months after breastfeeding.
After breast reconstruction, patients should use medical bras for 3-6 weeks.
Abdominoplasty is one of the most important and most commonly performed "Mommy Makeover" procedures. The abdominal skin and abdominal muscles that stretch during pregnancy cannot fully recover to their original shape after birth.
For this reason, during a tummy tuck, the abdominal muscles are firmly restored and excess skin is removed by pulling down to the pubic area.
Liposuction on the waist, back, sides and abdomen is often added to the process. To undergo an abdominoplasty, the candidate must wait at least 6 months for the often necessary uterus and abdominal muscles to recover after giving birth.
After the procedure, a tight corset is dressed, this corset should be worn for 3-6 weeks.
Vaginoplasty and labia
Especially after multiple natural deliveries, vaginal muscles can be torn. In addition, some malformations may occur around the genital area. Problems such as loss of volume in the outer lips and sagging of the inner lips.
These problems can be easily resolved by procedures such as vaginoplasty and labiaplasty. Vaginal muscles torn during childbirth can be repaired, sutured tightly, and the area can look like the person has never given birth. Similarly, during labiaplasty surgery, fat injection into the outer lips and reduction of sagging inner lips can be remedied.
Can you get pregnant again after a mommy makeover?
There is no restriction to get pregnant again after Mommy Makeover.
However, if a pregnancy is planned shortly after the operation, it is best to cancel the operation until after the pregnancy.
Pregnancy should be planned 6-12 months after surgery.
Recovery process after mommy makeover
The recovery process after mommy makeover depends on the number and combination of surgeries to be performed. Combinations and duration of surgery performed after pregnancy should be well planned.
There should be a strategically prepared plan depending on the needs and wishes of the patient. The patient's priorities, the weight loss process and the patient's general health situation must be taken into account.
Another important factor in Mommy Makeover is that the mother may have a small child that needs care. For this reason, those undergoing postpartum aesthetic surgery should plan the process well, such as how many days they will not go to daycare and how much of this time they will rest.
After the abdominoplasty postpartum, bed rest is recommended for 3-4 days. Return to social life should be scheduled 1-3 weeks after surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions
Which operations can be combined in Mommy Makeover?
Mommy Makeover can include many different combinations of surgeries.
The term "Mommy Makeover" became very famous because there are some deformities caused by pregnancy, such as difficulty losing weight during pregnancy or getting loose vaginal muscles, sagging after rapid weight loss, etc.
Under the term Mommy Makeover surgeries such as breast reduction and lift, abdominoplasty, liposuction, vaginoplasty and labiaplasty can be combined and performed as long as it is also suitable for the health of the patient.
Who is a good candidate for Mommy Makeover?
Mommy Makeover is a term for combined surgeries. For this reason, people who gain and lose weight frequently or due to pregnancy are good candidates for Mommy Makeover.
People with body defects in different parts such as the breasts, abdomen, arms and legs are also suitable candidates for Mommy Makeover.
Can Mommy Makeover be applied to people who are not mothers?
Mommy Makeover is called what is a combination of surgeries in general. For this reason, people who do not have to have given birth can also undergo a Mommy Makeover. People who have gained and lost weight, suffer from sagging and body deformities just like mothers, can have combined surgery with our without under the name Mommy Makeover.
What are the aesthetic problems that occur after childbirth?
It is quite normal for people to gain some amount of weight during pregnancy, and most of this weight is lost shortly after delivery. However, the abdominal muscles stretch during pregnancy and the stretch marks often cannot return to their original shape after childbirth. For this reason, the skin remains slack and the abdomen may look swollen due to stretched muscles. The breast may also sag during or after breastfeeding.
In addition to all these, natural births can cause the vaginal muscles to stretch and loosen. Thanks to Mommy Makeover combined operations, all these deformities can be changed to how they were before pregnancy.
The duration of the Mommy Makeover operation depends on which operations are combined. However, Mommy Makeover surgeries generally take 4-6 hours.
Is Mommy Makeover Surgery Very Painful?
During a tummy tuck, tightening of the abdominal muscles, called plication, is performed. The tightening process prevents patients from standing upright for the first few days. This is temporary and expected.
Because Mommy Makeover is a combined surgery procedure, patients experience some pain for the first few days. Under the observation of the surgeon, doctors and nurses, the pain is bearable and very well controlled.
What Are the Risks of Mommy Makeover?
Mommy Makeover is a procedure that combines many different operations at once. Therefore, the duration of the operation is long.
Removing the excess skin during surgery can cause changes in postoperative blood levels.
Since several surgeries are being performed at the same time, the possible timing for returning to everyday life becomes a little longer.
All these risks are minimized by preoperative analysis, an experienced surgeon and a professional team.
Are the results of Mommy Makeover permanent?
After Mommy Makeover surgery, people should pay attention to their diet and activities. Rapid weight gain after surgery and getting pregnant again soon after surgery can adversely affect the results of the surgery.
What kind of preparation should be made for Mommy Makeover?
Mommy Makeover is a term for multiple surgeries. For this reason, it is initially a detailed examination of the patient's health history to decide on the patient's suitability for the surgery. It is necessary to have detailed information about important issues about the patients, such as the diseases if they have them, the blood test results, the medicines if they take them and the previous surgeries.
tummy tuck
Breast reconstruction surgery performed during Mommy Makeover does not affect breastfeeding at all. During the surgery, the techniques are performed to preserve the milk ducts and the patients can breastfeed after the surgery.
Pregnancy and frequent weight gain cause looseness of the abdominal muscles. Because of these loose abdominal muscles, the patients have a swollen look on the abdomen and an uncomfortable feeling due to its appearance.
During a tummy tuck, the abdominal muscles are restored tight and a smooth appearance is achieved.
Mama makeover for breast aesthetics
Because Mommy Makeover involves combined surgeries, a drainage device is used to prevent problems such as postoperative bleeding. The drainage devices are usually removed by the doctor 1-2 days later. Patients may spend the first 3-4 days in the hospital as their early recovery period under the supervision of a doctor.
Wearing a corset is almost mandatory, especially after liposuction performed during the operation.
In addition, patients must wear a garment covering the abdomen and breasts for at least 3 weeks after surgery.
How many days to stay in Izmir after Mommy Makeover?
Patients coming from abroad must spend at least 7 days in Izmir for such combined operationsto stay. They can spend 2-3 days in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor.
The remaining days can be spent outside the hospital, provided patients are regularly checked for their health.
When to go back to work after Mommy Makeover?
Depending on the procedures to be performed in Mommy Makeover, people can easily return to their daily lives within 1-3 weeks. However, patients who have undergone abdominoplasty should not sit for a long time, especially in the first 15 days. The patients who have undergone breast reconstruction should not lift their arms very actively for the first 15 days.
Will there be permanent scars after Mommy Makeover?
The scars left after Mommy Makeover adapt to the skin color over time. Post-surgical scar removal creams can be prescribed by the doctor to speed up the recovery period. The surgery will leave you with scars, but it will not reduce the appearance of the scar.
What is a Mommy Makeover?
Mommy Makeover is a term for multiple surgeries performed at the same time. Especially after multiple pregnancies, multiple malformations can be observed on the body. The deformities can be corrected by combined aesthetic surgery surgery. The following operations can be combined according to the patient's expectations: abdominoplasty, breast lift, breast reduction, breast augmentation, genital aesthetics, arm tightening, leg tightening, liposuction, BBL
Where Did the Scars Go After Mommy Makeover?
It is very important to be able to hide the scar after surgery.
The scar for a tummy tuck can be hidden under your underwear.
The scar for breast reconstruction is around the areola and an inverted 'T'.
The scar for Arm Tightening and Leg Tightening is planned on inner arms and inner thighs where it is not easy to notice.
Will a drainage device be used after Mommy Makeover? When will it be,jealous?
Bleeding is one of the risks of surgery. The use of drainage devices is important to prevent the risk of bleeding and to control bleeding. These drainage devices are usually removed by the doctor 1-2 days after surgery.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Regards Mehtab