Eyelid Surgery or Ptosis or Blepharoplasty
Ptosis surgery requires a lot of technical knowledge. If not done by a good surgeon, permanent scars will form around the eyes. Our surgeon is a reputable surgeon about our ptosis in Turkey.
Ptosis in children
Children born with ptosis are called congenital ptosis. This can be caused by muscle-related problems that lift the eyelid. The most obvious sign of ptosis is a droopy eyelid. Another sign is that the alignment of the upper eyelid folds are equal to each other. A child with ptosis may tilt his head back, raise his eyebrows to clear the jaw, or try to see better. Over time, these movements can cause head and neck problems.
Sometimes other problems can be seen when a child is born with ptosis. Eye movement problems can include eye muscle disease, tumors (on the eyelid or elsewhere), and other problems.

Ptosis surgery at a glance
Procedure: Ptosis
Duration: 1 hour
Stay: 3 days hotel
Anesthesia: local
Recovery: 7 days
Scar: Eyelid
Results: final result 3 weeks
What Causes Ptosis?
In general, ptosis occurs as a congenital abnormality.
After an accidental eye trauma
Due to excessive traumatic eyelid rubbing
Due to some medications used
Due to aging, the relaxation and weakening of the muscles that open the eyelid
As a result of any head trauma, ptosis can occur if there is a neurological deficit in the nervous system
It is called "fake ptosis" when it is due to a small eye structure or the excess of the eyelid.
In rare cases, diseases or tumors can affect the eyelid muscle, causing the eyelids to droop.

Droopy eyelid treatments
Congenital or later onset ptosis is considered neurological if there is no movement in the eyelid. Neurological droopy eyelid; is caused by the immobility of the muscle that opens the eyelid, that is, the levator muscle. In this case, there is no movement in the eyelid.
Instead of interfering with the muscle that opens the eyelid, some method should be used to help that muscle. This method uses accessory muscles to lift the eyelid.
For example, an attempt is made to open the eyelid using a piece of muscle or using a fiber (using silicone threads or fibers from the patient's body). The other method is applied for elongated eyelid muscles, depending on congenital, trauma or age.
If the muscle is working a little and if there is slight movement, shortening the muscle length can solve the problem. The shortened muscle force will therefore be sufficient to open the eyelid.
Deformities around the eyes and excess skin make the individual look old and tired. For this reason, the most commonly performed surgeries as rejuvenation surgeries are eyelid surgeries. In addition, excess skin in the upper eyelids negatively affects vision by narrowing the field of vision. Excess fat in the lower eyelids leads to bags under the eyes, making the individual look tired and old.
​How is an eyelid correction done?
​​Surgery on the upper and lower eyelids are a bit different. Basically, the goal is to eliminate the excess fat and skin in both areas. These excesses are surgically removed with the cuts applied to the lids.
Upper eyelid correction
In upper eyelid surgery, the surgical incision is hidden by passing it through the eyelid crease. The operation takes about 30 minutes. Local or general anesthesia is preferred, depending on demand. If the operation is performed under local anesthesia, the patient is discharged on the same day. If performed under general anesthesia, the patient is hospitalized for one night.
Lower eyelid correction
There are two approaches to the lower eyelid. In patients who are young and do not have excess skin, but have a fatty hernia in the form of a bag under the eyes, an incision is made through the eyelid. In patients who are older and have excess skin and sagging lower eyelids, an incision is made below the lash line. None of these incisions leave a significant scar under normal circumstances. The operation on the lower eyelid takes about an hour. It is performed under general anesthesia. The patient is discharged after one day of hospitalization.
Are there any scars after surgery?
Since eyelid area is an area where scars heal very well, the scars are not visible from a talking distance
After the operation
If the surgery involves major surgery, the eyelid may remain open for a short time. Because the eyes will be slightly open for the first few days after surgery, dry eye drops are recommended.
The patient can be discharged the same day, or after 1 day if the surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Eye closure is not necessary after drooping eyelid surgery.
After both operations, bruising and edema may occur. Pain is generally not expected. Bruises disappear within ten days. While 80% of edema resolves within 10 days, 20% progressively resolves within 6 months. Thin tapes are placed on the incision. It is recommended to leave these tapes for a week. These tapes help edema to recede quickly. The stitches are removed at the end of the first week. Patients can take a bath on the fourth day after surgery and return to their normal lives at the end of the first week.
Lower and upper eyelid correction can be performed separately or as a single operation
Drooping eyelid surgery in Turkey performed by the most experienced doctors. Having plastic surgery in Turkey has many benefits. Cheap prices, internationally successful doctors, great hospitals and tourist attractions are some of them. If you want to have ptosis surgery in Turkey, contact us.
Regards Mehtab,