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Botox and fillers: what's the difference?

There are a lot of prejudices and misunderstandings about Botox and Fillers. There is also a clear difference between these two forms of injections. Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel is happy to tell you about the effect of this treatment.

Two types of injectables

Botox and fillers are both forms of injectables. This means that in both forms a certain substance is injected. Both forms are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are still very different from each other. The effect, suitability and duration of both forms are very different. That's why it's good to think about the differences. When do you use Botox and when do you use fillers?

Botox: for facial tension

First, Botox. Did you know that this is not actually a type of injectable, but a brand name? Botox is a means of reducing muscle tension. The movement of the many muscles in your face, combined with the resulting skin folds, causes wrinkles. Botox ensures that you no longer make these movements. This also reduces wrinkles on your face. In addition, Botox has a restorative effect: any existing wrinkles become less visible or can even disappear completely.

Fillers: for volume loss

What is the other form – fillers? These have a completely different effect. Fillers provide filling of the face. This means that skin is actually filled from the inside, so that the skin is actually pulled 'tight' and wrinkles become less visible. Fillers also stimulate the skin to produce more collagen. This is how fillers actually work twice. On the one hand they fill the skin for less wrinkle formation, on the other hand they ensure that the existing wrinkles become less visible.

When Botox, when fillers?

Both shapes can be suitable for giving you a tighter, younger-looking complexion. Whether it is best to use Botox or fillers for this differs per complaint. Botox is mainly suitable for wrinkles that arise from the use of facial muscles. Think of frown lines or wrinkles at the eyes and mouth from laughing. Fillers are more suitable for wrinkles caused by volume loss. In addition, Botox can also be a solution for some medical problems, such as migraine or teeth grinding. Fillers are mainly cosmetic.

Botox and fillers at Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel

Botox and fillers at Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel

Izmir-MET offers both Botox and fillers. A treatment from Izmir Medical Esthetic Travel is carried out during a fully arranged medical trip. You will go to Izmir in Turkey for this, where you will be personally welcomed and guided. This makes taking a cosmetic treatment such as a Botox or filler treatment a relaxing experience.

Would you like to experience for yourself what Botox or fillers can do for you? Or do you want more information about this treatment? Then contact Mehtab!

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